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Ramcharitmanas Sunderkand – Sunderkand Path in English With Audio

9 – Conversation of Hanuman Ji with Sea

Hanumana tehi parasa kara puni kinha pranam,
Rama kaju kinhe binu mohi kaha bisrama.1

Meaning: Hanuman simply touched the mountain with his hand and then made obeisance to it saying, “There can be no rest for me till I have accomplished Sri Rama’s work. (1)

10 – Deities took test of Hanuman Ji

Chaupai: jata pavanasuta devanha dekha, janai kahu bala buddhi bisesa.
surasa nama ahinha kai mata, paithainhi ai kahi tehi bata.1.

Meaning: The gods saw the son of the wind-god sweeping along; and in order to test his extraordinary strength and intelligence they sent Surasa, a mother of serpents, who came near him and said:

11 – Conversation of Hanuman Ji and Surasa

aju suranha mohi dinha ahara, sunata bachana kaha pavanakumara.
rama kaju kari phiri mai avau, sita kai sudhi prabhuhi sunvau.2.

Meaning: The gods have provided me a meal today. On hearing these words the son of the wind-god said in reply, “Let me return after accomplishing Sri Rama’s errand and tell my lord the news of Sita.

12 – Conversation of Hanuman Ji and Surasa

taba tava badana paithihau ai, satya kahau mohi jana de mai.
kavanehu jatana dei nahi jana, grasasi na mohi kaheu hanumana.3.

Meaning: Then I will approach you and enter your mouth; I tell you the truth. Mother, only let me go now.” When, however, she would not let him go on any account, Hanuman said, Then why not devour me? She distended her mouth to a distance of eight miles, while the chief of monkeys grew double the size of her mouth.

13 – Hanuman Ji Took Height of 256 Miles

jojana bhari tehi badanu pasara, kapi tanu kinha duguna bistara.
soraha jojana mukha tehi thayau, turata pavanasuta battisa bhayau.4.

Meaning: She stretched her mouth to a circumference of a hundred and twenty-eight miles, and the son of the wind-god immediately took a form covering two hundred and fifty-six miles. Even as Surasa expanded her jaws the chief of the monkeys manifested a form twice as large as her mouth.

14 – Hanuman Ji Became Tiny

jasa jasa surasa badanu badhava, tasu duna kapi rupa dekhava.
sata jojana tehi anana kinha, ati laghu rupa pavanasuta linha.5.

Meaning: When she further expanded her mouth eight hundred miles wide, the son of the wind-god assumed a very minute form, by which he entered her mouth and came out again and bowing his head to her begged leave to proceed

15 – Hanuman Ji Entered into the Mouth of Surasa

badana paithi puni bahera ava, maga bida tahi siru nava.
mohi suranha jehi lagi pathava, budhi bala maramu tora mai pava.6.

Meaning: I have gauged the extent of your wit and strength, the errand
for which the gods had despatched me.(1-6)

16 – Hanuman Ji Got Happy

Doha: Rama kaju sabu karihahu tumha bala buddhi nidhana,
asisa dei gai so harasi chaleu hanumana.2.

Meaning: You will accomplish all the work of Sri Rama, a storehouse that you are of strength and intelligence. Having blessed Hanuman she departed and Hanuman too joyfully resumed his journey (through the air).(2)

17 – Description of Nocturnal

Chaupai: nisichari ek sindhu mahu rahai, kari maya nabhu ke khaga gahai.
jiva jantu je gagana udai , jala biloki tinha kai parichhai.1.

Meaning: There was a demoness who dwelt in the ocean and would catch the birds in the air by conjuring tricks.

18 – Nocturnal tricked Hanuman Ji

gahai chhai saka so na udai, ehi bidhi sada gaganachar khai.
soi chala hanumana kaha kinha, tasu kapatu kapi turatahi chinha 2.

Meaning: Seeing on the surface of the water the reflection of the creature that coursed in the air she would catch it and the bird was unable to move. In this way she would devour birds everyday . She employed the same trick against Hanuman, but the chief of monkeys at once saw through her game.

19 – Hanuman Ji Killed Nocturnal

tahi mari marutasuta bira, baridhi pra gayau matidhira.
tah jai dekhi bana sobha, gunjata chancharika madhu lobha.3.

Meaning: . The valiant son of the wind-god dispatched her and swept across the ocean, resolute of mind as he was. reaching the other shore he gazed on the loveliness of the forest with the bees humming in quest of honey.

20 – Description of Lanka

nana taru phala phula suhae, khaga mriga brinda dekhi mana bhae.
saila bisla dekhi eka aage , ta para dhai chadheu bhaya tyage .4.

Meaning: Trees of various kinds looked charming with fruits and flowers; and he was particularly delighted at heart to see the numerous birds and beasts. Beholding a huge mountain ahead of him, he fearlessly ran up to its summit.

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