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Ramcharitmanas Sunderkand – Sunderkand Path in English With Audio

jitehu surasur taba shrama nahi, nara banara kehi lekhe mahi.5.

Meaning: Of what account, then, can men and monkeys be?(1-5)

Doha: sachiva baida gura tini jou priya bolahi bhaya asa,
raja dharma tana tini kara hoi begihi nasa.37.

Meaning: When a minister, a physician and a religious preceptor- these three use pleasing words from fear or hope of reward, the result is that dominion, health and faith-all the three forthwith go to the dogs.(37)

192 – Vibhishana Approached Ravana

Chaupai: soi ravana kahu bani sahai, astuti karahi sunai sunai.
avasara jani bibishanu ava, bhrata charan sisu tehi nava.1.

Meaning: It was such a contingency that presented itself before ravana. They all extolled him only to his face. Perceiving it to be an opportune hour, Vibhishana (ravana’s youngest brother) arrived and bowed his head at his brother’s feet.

puni siru nai baitha nija asana, bola bachan pai anusasana.
jau kripala puchihu mohi bata, mati anurupa kahau hit tata.2.

Meaning: . Bowing his head once more he occupied his own seat and, when ordered to speak, addressed him thus:Since Your gracious Majesty has asked me my opinion I tender it, dear brother,according to my own lights and in your own interest.

193 – Vibhishana Warning Ravana

jo apan chahai kalyana, sujasu sumati subha gati sukha nana.
so parnari lilara gosai, tajau chauthi ke chanda ki nai.3.

Meaning: Let him who seeks after his welfare, good reputation, wisdom, a good destiny after his death and joys of various kinds turn his eyes away from the brow of another’s wife even as one should refuse to see the moon on the fourth night (of the bright half) of a lunar month.

chaudah bhuvana ek pati hoi, bhutadroha tishtai nahi soi.
guna sagara nagara nara jou, alapa lobha bhala kahai na kou.4.

Meaning: Even though a man happened to be the sole lord of the fourteen spheres, he would certainly fall if he turned hostile to living beings. No one will speak well of a man who has the slightest avarice even if he were an ocean of virtues and clever too.(1-4)

Doha: kama krodha mada lobha saba natha naraka ke pantha,
saba parihari raghubirahi bhajahu bhajahi jehi santa.38.

Meaning: Lust, anger, vanity and covetousness are all paths leading to hell. Abjuring, all these adore the Hero of raghu’s line, whom saints worship.(38)

Chaupai: tata Rama nahi nara bhupala, bhuvanesvara kalahu kara kala.
brahma anamaya aja bhagavanta, byapaka ajita anadi ananta.1.

Meaning: Sri Rama, dear brother, is no mere human king; He is the Lord of the universe and the Death of Death himself. He is the Brahma (Absolute) who is free from the malady of Maya, the unborn God, all-pervading, invincible, without beginning or end.

go dvija dhenu deva hitakari, kripa sindhu manusha tanudhari.
jana ranjana bhanjana khala brata, beda dharma racchaka sunu bhrata.2.

Meaning: An ocean of compassion, He has assumed the form of a human being for the good of Earth, the Brahmana, the cow and the gods Listen, brother: He delights His devotees and breaks the ranks of the impious and is the champion of the Vedas and true religion.

tahi bayaru taji nai matha, pranatarati bhanjana raghunatha.
dehu natha prabhu kahu baidehi, bhajahu Rama binu hetu sanehi.3.

Meaning: . Giving up enmity with Him, bow your head to Him; for the Lord of the raghus relieves the distress of those who seek refuge in Him. My master, restore Videha’s Daughter to the Lord Sri Rama, and adore Him, the disinterested friend of all.

sarana gae prabhu tahu na tyaga, bisva droha krita agha jehi laga.
jasu nama traya tapa nasavana, soi prabhu pragata samujhu jiya ravana.4.

Meaning: On being approached, He forsakes not even him who has incurred sin by wishing ill to the whole world. Bear this in mind, ravana: the same Lord whose Name destroys the three fold agony has manifested Himself (in human form).(1-4)

Doha: bara bara pada lagau binaya karau dasasisa,
parihari mana moha mada bhajahu kosaladhisa.39(A).

Meaning: Again and again I fall at your feet and pray you, ravana: abandoning pride, infatuation and arrogance, adore the Lord of Kosala.

muni pulasti nija sishya sana kahi pathai yaha bata,
turata so mai prabhu sana kahi pai suavasaru taat.39(B).

Meaning: The sage Pulastya (our grandfather) had sent this message to us through a disciple of his. Availing myself of this golden opportunity, dear brother, I have immediately conveyed it to you.(39 A-B)

194 – Minister Advised Same

Chaupai: malyavanta ati sachiva sayana, tasu bachana suni ati sukha mana.
tata anuja tava niti bibhushana, so ura dharahu jo kahata bibhishana.1.

Meaning: Ravana had a very old and sagacious minister named Malyavan. He felt much gratified to hear Vibhishana’s words. Your younger brother, dear son, is the very ornament of wisdom. Therefore, take to heart what Vibhishana says.

195 – Ravana Furious Over Vibhishana

ripu utakarasha kahata satha dou, duri na karahu iha hai kou.
malyavanta griha gayau bahori, kahai bibhishanu puni kara jori.2.

Meaning: Is there no one here who will remove them out of my sight ? Malyavan there upon returned to his residence, while Vibhishana began again with joined palms

sumati kumati saba ke ura rahahi, natha purana nigama asa kahahi.
jaha sumati taha sanpati nana, jaha kumati taha bipati nidana.3.

Meaning: Wisdom and unwisdom dwell in the heart of all: so declare the Puranas and Vedas, my lord. Where there is wisdom, prosperity of every kind reigns; and where there is unwisdom misfortune is the inevitable end.

tava ura kumati basi biparita, hita anahita manahu ripu prita.
kalarati nisichara kulakeri, tehi sita para priti ghaneri.4.

Meaning: Perversity has obviously taken possession of your heart; that is why you account your friends as foes and your enemies as friends.And that is why you are so very fond of Sita, who is the very night of destruction for the demon race.(1-4)

Doha: taat charana gahi magau rakhahu mora dulara,
sita dehu Ram kahun ahit na hoi tumhara.40.

Meaning: Clasping your feet I beseech you: grant this prayer of mine as a token of affection for me. restore Sita to Rama so that no harm may come to you.(40)

Chaupai: budha purana sruti sammata bani, kahi bibhishana niti bakhani.
sunata dasanana utha risai, khala tohi nikata mrityu aba ai.1.

Meaning: Vibhishana spoke wisdom and that too in words that had the approval of the wise, as well as of the Puranas and Vedas. ravana, however, rose in a fury as soon as he heard them. O wretch, your death is imminent now.

jiasi sada satha mora jiava, ripu kara paccha murha tohi bhava.
kahasi na khala asa ko jaga mahi, bhuja bala jahi jita mai nahi.2.

Meaning: O fool, you have always lived on my generosity; yet, O dullard, you have favored the enemy’s cause. Tell me, wretch, if there is any one in this world whom I have failed to conquer by the might of my arm. Dwelling in my capital you cherish love for the hermits

196 – Ravana Abandoning Vibhishana

mama pura basi tapasinha para priti, satha milu jai tinhahi kahu niti.
asa kahi kinhesi charana prahara, anuja gahe pada barahi bara.3.

Meaning: If so, go and join hands with them, O fool, and teach wisdom to them. So saying, he kicked his younger brother, who in his turn clasped his brother’s feet again and again. Uma, here lies the greatness of a saint, who returns good for evil.

uma santa kai ihai barai, manda karata jo karai bhalai.
tumha pitu sarisa bhalehi mohi mara, ramu bhaje hita natha tumhara.4.

Meaning: It is well you have beaten me, since you are like a father to me. But your welfare, my lord, lies in adoring Sri Rama.

sachiva sanga lai nabha patha gayau, sabahi sunai kahata asa bhayau.5.

Meaning: Taking his ministers with him Vibhishana departed through the air exclaiming so as to make himself heard by all:-(1-5)

Doha: ramu satyasankalpa prabhu sabha kalabasa tori,
mai raghubira sarana aba jau dehu jani khori.41.

Meaning: Sri Rama is true to His resolve and all-powerful; while your counselors are all doomed. I, therefore, now betake myself to the Hero of raghu’s line for protection; blame me no more.(41)

Chaupai: asa kahi chala bibhishanu jabahi, ayuhina bhae saba tabahi.
sadhu avagya turata bhavani, kara kalyana akhila kai hani.1.

Meaning: No sooner had Vibhishana left with these words than the doom of them all was sealed. Disrespect to a saint, Parvati, immediately robs one of all blessings.

ravana jabahi bibhishana tyaga, bhayau bibhava binu tabahi abhaga.
caleu harashi raghunayaka pahi, karata manoratha bahu mana mahi.2.

Meaning: . The moment ravana abandoned Vibhishana the wretch lost all his glory. Indulging in many expectations Vibhishana, however, gladly proceeded to the Lord of the raghus.

dekhihau jai charana jalajata, aruna mridula sevaka sukhadata.
je pada parasi tari rishinari, dandaka kanana pavanakari.3.

Meaning: On reaching there I will behold those lotus-feet with ruddy soles, so soft and so delightful to the devotees.Nay, I will behold those feet whose very touch redeemed the rishi’s wife (Ahalya), that hallowed the Dandaka forest,

je pada janakasuta ura lae, kapata kuranga sanga dhara dhae.
hara ura sara saroja pada jei, ahobhagya mai dekhihau tei.4.

Meaning: that Janaka’s Daughter has locked up in Her bosom, that chased the delusive deer and that dwell as a pair of lotuses in the lake of Shiva’s heart.I am really blessed that I am going to see those very feet.(1-4)

Doha: jinha payanha ke padukanhi bharatu rahe mana lai,
te pada aju bilokihau inha nayananhi aba jai.42.

Meaning: I will go today and presently behold with these eyes of mine those very feet in whose wooden sandals Bharata’s mind remains absorbed !(42)

197 – Vibhishana Went in Protection of Rama

Chaupai: ehi bidhi karata saprema bichara, ayau sapadi sindhu ehi para.
kapinha bibhishanu avata dekha, janakou ripu duta bisesha.1.

Meaning: Cherishing such fond expectations Vibhishana instantly crossed over to the other side of the ocean (where Sri Rama had encamped with His host). When the monkeys saw Vibhishana coming, they took him for some special messenger of the enemy.

tahi rakhi kapisa pahir ae, samachara saba tahi sunae.
kaha sugriva sunahu raghurai, ava milana dasanana bhai.2.

Meaning: Detaining him outside they approached Sugriva (the lord of the monkeys) and told him all the news. Said Sugriva, Listen, O Lord of the raghus: ravana’s brother (Vibhishana) has come to see You.

kaha prabhu sakha bujhiai kaha, kahai kapisa sunahu naranaha.
jani na jai nisachara maya, kamarupa kehi karana aya.3.

Meaning: The Lord, however, asked, What do you think of the matter, my friend? The lord of the monkeys replied, Listen, O ruler of men: the wiles of these demons are beyond one’s comprehension. One does not know wherefore he has come, capable as he is of taking any form he likes.

bheda hamara lena satha ava, rakhia badhi mohi asa bhava.
sakha niti tumha niki bichari, mama pana saranagata bhayahari.4.

Meaning: Obviously the fool has come to spy out our secrets; what appeals to me, therefore, is that he should be taken prisoner and detained. Friend, you have thought out a wise course: but My vow is to dispel all fears from the mind of those who seek refuge in Me.

suni prabhu bachana harasha hanumana, saranagata bacchala bhagavana.5.

Meaning: Hanuman rejoiced to hear these words of the Lord, who cherished paternal affection for His protege.(1-5)

Doha: saranagata kahu je tajahi nija anahita anumani,
te nara pavara papamaya tinhahi bilokata hani.43.

Meaning: Those people who forsake a suppliant, apprehending evil from him are vile and sinful; their very sight is abominable.(43)

Chaupai: koti bipra badha lagahi jahu, ae sarana tajau nahi tahu.
sanamukha hoi jiva mohi jabahi, janma koti agha nasahi tabahi.1.

Meaning: I will not abandon even the murderer of myriads of Brahmanas, if he seeks refuge in Me. The moment a creature turns its face towards Me the sins incurred by it through millions of lives are washed away.

papavanta kara sahaja subhau, bhajanu mora tehi bhava na kau.
jou pai dushtahridaya soi hoi, more sanamukha ava ki soi.2.

Meaning: A sinner by his very nature is averse to My worship. Had Vibhishana been wicked at heart, could he ever dare to approach Me? That man alone who has a pure mind can attain to Me

nirmala mana jana so mohi pava, mohi kapata chala chidra na bhava.
bheda lena pathava dasasisa, tabahu na kachu bhaya hani kapisa.3.

Meaning: I have an aversion for duplicity, wiles and censoriousness. Even if ravana has sent him to find out our secrets, we have nothing to fear or lose, O lord of the monkeys.

jaga mahu sakha nisachara jete, lachimanu hanai nimisha mahu tete.
jau sabhita ava saranai, rakhihau tahi prana ki nai.4.

Meaning: Lakshmana, O my friend, can dispose of in a trice all the demons the world contains. And if he has sought shelter with Me out of fear, I will cherish him as My own life.(1-4)

Doha: ubhaya bhati tehi anahu hasi kaha kripaniketa,
jaya kripala kahi kapi chale angada hanu sameta.44.

Meaning: In either case bring him here, the All-merciful laughed and said. Glory to the merciful Lord, cried the monkeys and proceeded with Angada and Hanuman (to usher in Vibhishana).(44)

Chaupai: sadara tehi age kari banara, chale jaha raghupati karunakara.
durihi te dekhe dvau bhrata, nayanananda dana ke data.1

Meaning: The monkeys respectfully placed Vibhishana ahead of them and proceeded to the place where the all-merciful Lord of the raghus was. Vibhishana beheld from a distance the two brothers who ravished the eyes of all.

198 – Vibhishana Saw Rama

bahuri Rama chabidhama biloki, raheu thatuki ekataka pala roki.
bhuja pralamba kanjaruna lochana, syamala gata pranata bhaya mochana.2.

Meaning: Again as he beheld Sri Rama, the home of beauty, he stopped winking and stood stock still with his gaze intently fixed on the Lord. He had exceptionally long arms, eyes resembling the red lotus and swarthy limbs that rid the suppliant of all fear.

singha kandha ayata ura soha, anana amita madana mana moha.
nayana nira pulakita ati gata, mana dhari dhira kahi mridu bata.3.

Meaning: His lion-like shoulders and broad chest exercised great charm, while His countenance bewitched the mind of countless Cupids. The sight brought tears to his eyes and a deep thrill ran through his body. He, however, composed his mind and spoke in gentle accents: My lord, I am ravana’s brother.

natha dasanana kara mai bhrata, nisichara bansa janama suratrata.
sahaja papapriya tamasa deha, jatha ulukahi tama para neha.4.

Meaning: Having been born in the demon race. O Protector of gods, my body has the element of Tamas (inertia and ignorance) preponderating in it and I have a natural affinity for sins even as an owl is fond of darkness.(1-4)

Doha: sravana sujasu suni ayau prabhu bhanjana bhava bhira,
trahi trahi arati harana sarana sukhada raghubira.45.

Meaning: Having heard with my own ears of Your fair renown I have come to You with the belief that my lord (You) dissipates the fear of rebirth. Save me, save me, O Hero of raghu’s line, reliever of distress, delighter of those who take refuge in you.(45)

Chaupai: asa kahi karata dandavata dekha, turata uthe prabhu harasha bisesha.
dina bachana suni prabhu mana bhava, bhuja bisala gahi hridaya lagava.1.

Meaning: When the Lord saw Vibhishana falling prostrate with these words, He immediately started up much delighted. The Lord rejoiced at heart to hear his humble speech and, taking him in His long arms, clasped him to His bosom.

199 – Rama Talking with Vibhishana

anuja sahita mili dhiga baithari, bole bachana bhagata bhayahari.
kahu lankesa sahita parivara, kusala kuthahara basa tumhara.2.

Meaning: Meeting him with His younger brother (Lakshmana) He seated him by His side and spoke words that dispelled the fear of His devotee: Tell me, king of Lanka, if all is well with you and your family, placed as you are in vicious surroundings

khala mandali basahu dinu rati, sakha dharama nibahai kehi bhati.
mai janau tumhari saba riti, ati naya nipuna na bhava aniti.3.

Meaning: You live day and night in the midst of evil-minded persons; I wonder how you are able to maintain your piety, my friend, I know all your ways: you are a past master in correct behaviour and are averse to wrong-doing.

baru bhala basa naraka kara tata, dushta sanga jani dei bidhata.
aba pada dekhi kusala raghuraya, jau tumha kinhi jani jana daya.4.

Meaning: It is much better to live in hell, dear Vibhishana; but may Providence never place us in the company of the wicked. All is well with me now that I have beheld Your feet, O Lord of the raghus, and since You have shown Your mercy to me, recognizing me as Your servant.(1-4)

Doha: taba lagi kusala na jiva kahu sapanehu mana bisrama,
jaba lagi bhajata na Rama kahu soka dhama taji kama.46.

Meaning: There can be no happiness for a creature nor can its mind know any peace even in a dream so long as it does not relinquish desire, which is an abode of sorrow, and adore Sri Rama (Yourself).(46)

Chaupai: taba lagi hridaya basata khala nana, lobha moha macchara mada mana.
jaba lagi ura na basata raghunatha, dhare chapa sayaka kati bhatha.1.

Meaning: That villainous crew-greed, infatuation, jealousy, arrogance and pride haunts the mind only so long as the Lord of the raghus does not take up His abode there, armed with a bow and arrow and with a quiver fastened at His waist.

mamata taruna tami adhiari, raga dvesha uluka sukhakari.
taba lagi basati jiva mana mahi, jaba lagi prabhu pratapa rabi nahi.2.

Meaning: Attachment to the world is like a dark night fully advanced, which is so delightful to the owls of attraction and aversion; it abides in the heart of a creature only so long as the sun of the Lord’s glory does not shine there.

aba mai kusala mite bhaya bhare, dekhi Rama pada kamala tumhare.
tumha kripala ja para anukula, tahi na byapa tribidha bhava sula.3.

Meaning: O Rama, I am now quite well and my grave fears have been set at rest. The threefold torments of mundane existence cease to have any effect on him who enjoys Your favour, my gracious lord.

mai nisichara ati adhama subhau, subha acharanu kinha nahi kau.
jasu rupa muni dhyana na ava, tehi prabhu harashi hridaya mohi lava.4.

Meaning: I am a demon vilest of nature and have never done any good act. Yet the Lord whose beauty even sages fail to perceive with their mind’s eye has been pleased to clasp me to His bosom.(1-4)

Doha: ahobhagya mama amita ati Rama kripa sukha punja,
dekheu nayana biranchi Shiva sebya jugala pada kanja.47.

Meaning: Ah, I am blessed beyond measure, O all-gracious and all-blissful Rama, in that I have beheld with my own eyes the lotus feet which are worthy of adoration even to Brahma and Shiva.(47)

Chaupai: sunahu sakha nija kahau subhau, jana bhusundi sanbhu girijau.
jau nara hoi charachara drohi, avai sabhaya sarana taki mohi.1.

Meaning: Listen, My friend: I tell you My nature, which is known to Bhusundi, sambhu (Lord Shiva) and Girija (Parvati) too. If a man, even though he has been an enemy of the whole animate and inanimate creation, comes terror-stricken to Me

taji mada moha kapata chhala nana, karau sadya tehi sadhu samana.
janani janaka bandhu suta dara, tanu dhanu bhavana suhrida parivara.2.

Meaning: seeking My protection and discarding vanity, infatuation, hypocrisy and trickeries of various kinds, I speedily make him the very like of a saint. The ties of affection that bind a man to his mother, father, brother, son, wife, body, wealth, house, friends and relations are like so many threads which a pious soul gathers up and twists into a string where with he binds his soul to My feet.

saba kai mamata taga batori, mama pada manahi ba dha bari dori.
samadarasi iccha kachu nahi, harasha soka bhaya nahi mana mahi.3.

Meaning: Nay, he looks upon all with the same eye and has no craving and his mind is free from joy, grief and fear.

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